This past Saturday the 11th of May coach Joe decided that it would be a good idea for me to race the 100 mile WEMS race. Knowing that I could do a 100 mile race, I wasn't worried about finishing the race, just wasn't sure how well I'd do since it was so early in the year. I was really nervous the days leading up because of trying to pack, ride and work. I wasn't sure if I had everything that I would need to tackle this race. But after a couple days of checking and re checking, I was positive that I had everything. I had my extra set of
Bontrager 29-1 tires, a couple Camelbacks, extra set of
Sun Ringle rims, spare parts and extra
Crank Brothers pedals. I think I packed a spare part for everything that could easily break. After stressing out for a few days about this, Saturday finally rolled around. After leaving the house at 5:20 my dad and I arrived at Greenbush at 6:45am. A little earlier then expected, but it was nice because we got first pick of pit spot. Then after dragging all my stuff out I changed into my kit and rolled around for 10 minutes before the start. A brief riders meeting then we were off. We ran up a gravel road to our bikes, mounted and came back down the grass side of the hill. I was first onto my bike and first into the single track. I was riding at a comfortable pace making sure to hold the horses back so I wouldn't blowup later in the race.

Lap after lap I came through the feed zone switching out bottles and grabbing
Honey Stinger products. After the first 5 laps I was still feeling strong, then about 1/2 way though lap 6 I felt sick and slowed down. I didn't take anything from the pit this time around but after whatever worked through my system about 4 miles into lap 7 I felt way better. I ate a couple gels and just wanted to finish that lap. At the end of lap 7 I ate a
Dark Chocolate Mint Almond Protein bar and felt amazing. My lap times even started to decrease for laps 8-10. Also, mentally it got a lot easier because now the 3 and 6 hour races were at the venue. Then before starting lap 10, Brian Matter came over, and talked for a little, which gave me a little bit more motivation to finish strong. Then only a few miles in, Brian came screaming by me and was gone like a flash of lightning. This last lap felt forever but after lapping 3rd place and 2nd place I just wanted to finish. I tired to push it cause I knew I was close. I rolled around the last corner and up the gravel hill to the finish with a time of 8hrs 56 minutes. After the race I could hardly stand up and walk because my back was so sore from the pouding that this course gave. So I went into the little hut sat and ate. We waited around for a bit to get awards then headed home.
Now 4 days later I'm feeling much better and was debating about doing the Bone Ride but decided against it because of
WORS #1 this Sunday. Thanks to my Dad for being my pit and making sure everything was perfect for me. A I would be able to this without a great pit.