This past Saturday, April 6th, the
Ripon College Red Hawks cycling team hosted a 110 mile ride through the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. The days leading up to the ride were very promising, sunny, 40's and 50's and very little wind. But of course the weather changed and made this truly a "Spring Classic". On Saturday it started off a bit gloomy and only attracted a small dedicated group of about 17 people. We had a mix of people from all over. A couple
ISCorp teammates Hayley Giddens, and Kyle J. showed up. Some others were Bill Koch, Mike Klapperich, Ted Hanes, Scott Cole and Mike Curtis. After going through what the plan was for the day, handing out maps, and taking a couple pictures we headed out. We took off North towards Berlin and rode at a nice pace that we could all hold. But after about 35 minutes, I looked down and my
Cycleops Joule started telling me my hub battery was low. I kind freaked out for a bit but then shortly forgot about it. I then moved to the front with Ted and he started pushing 300 watts on the flats. Being on the front I had to keep up with him and then it hit me to slow down cause we had a long day a head. We all settled back in and I moved to the back. We made it into Berlin, went West a little, then came back South into a 17 mph head wind and rain. The rain only lasted for about 45 minutes but was enough to soak my shoes, socks and glove.
Group at the Pub |
The pace was higher then when we started but I felt comfortable sitting in the pack. After going South for about another 45 minutes we were on the North side of Green lake, we turned west and headed towards Princeton. We snaked around then finally made it to one of the sections of dirt path. Scott Cole, Mike K., Hayley and I were pushing on the front and split the group a little. After 20 or so minutes of this, we got back onto the road. We stopped, re-grouped, I opened up a
Honey Stinger Waffle and gel, while others grabbed a couple Ripon Good Cookies and bananas from the sag van and took off. This is when the group split. Some of us took off solo and formed small groups while a small group of about 8 stayed together. After cranking way above threshold I caught a couple riders and was in a group off the front with Mike K. Ted, and Scott C. We then meandered through the country side, rode through the country club in Green Lake and popped out on a rode just north of the lake. This is when Scott C. dropped off and waited up for the people he came with. Now just us three, we started a small rotation going around to the South side of Green Lake. We turned South on County O, then headed back West. While us three were cruising down a long straight away the group of 10 or so, stopped at Riley's Pub in Green Lake. From what I heard, after a couple Irish coffees and Guinness the group decided that they would take the shortest route back to Ripon.
Group before the ride, Photo credit: Scott Cole |
Now after what seemed like forever my group made it to mile 70 where the road turns to dirt yet again. This time the dirt was a bit softer and made riding much tougher, it was total 'cross conditions. We crossed over a damn and continued on past a logging operation and came out on the road at about mile 73ish. We made a turn back East when we rolled by the Mexican place that we were supposed to meet the others at. After consulting with the group we decided it would be better to continue on and eat after the ride. Good thing cause the others would have never showed. But of course we were snacking on cookies, bananas, Honey Stinger products and another goodies we packed. Right after the restaurant we met back up with the lead van to re-fill water. We each started to take off some of our outer layers cause the weather was starting to warm and get nice. Now with only a small portion of the ride left we turned North and had an amazing tail wind. Cruising at 27 the last 30ish miles flew by. I was pulling on the front for about the last 1.25 hours cause the others were hurting. I don't think Ted had enough food and Big Mike K. did a lot of pulling earlier in the ride. We made it back into Green Lake and with only about 20 minutes left, Ted and Mike started to seem happier until they found out about the last 2 hills. One isn't so bad but the 2nd one is a killer. Granny gear for about 2 minutes to crawl up it, slowly. Not so bad until you have 5hrs 45 in your legs. We rolled in at exactly 6 hours and my hub battery still didn't die. We got some good miles in the legs and I had a great time getting to know everyone. Hopefully next year will bring good weather and more people. Thanks to all who came out for the 2nd Annual Ripon Spring Classic.
That sounds wicked- and awesome! It's a little early in the year for me to bust out that kind of mileage, but you all are seriously hardcore! Nice work!